Hello, I'm Amber

My name is Amber Louise and my life purpose is to help others and to be in service. While being in service can be linked with religion I feel to state clearly that I am not affiliated with any religion. I respect all religions and believe we are all entitled to our own religious beliefs and faith can look very different on an individual basis.

What does being “in service” look like for me? I am both a holistic therapist and a Celebrant.

Within my work as a Celebrant, I am able to conduct funeral ceremonies as well as weddings in addition to handfasting and naming ceremonies. My role within these ceremonies is to ensure my clients get the best possible service, their wishes are respected and fulfilled and they leave feeling that I provided exactly what they had hoped for and more. I know how much these special moments mean and how important it is that they run perfectly and smoothly so it is an honour to be able to assist in this happening.

 In addition to this I work holistically with people for their self-development, spiritual development, personal healing and life journeys. I teach and use sound therapy and in addition I have qualifications as a Reiki Master and teacher as well as Crystal Healer and Advanced Crystal Healer, Seraphim Healing Practitioner and Medium for various angelic and higher beings who wish to communicate through me. I channel mandalas which you can find on this website, both to assist in connecting with various energies and intentions but also to connect you to your higher self, true self, your soul.

 My own personal journey has been full of challenges, I won’t go into full details here (book will be published next year) however in 2023 alone I filed for divorce and I lost my dad suddenly after also losing my daughter who had taken her own life. My holistic tools have got me through the last couple of years. My belief is that the reason I’ve been through so much is to ensure I can help as many other people as possible.

My life experience gives me a depth of understanding and focus. I am here to help.

I love to learn and truly believe that to be the best teacher is to understand that we are all learning from one another throughout this journey of life. My passion for my work is evident through my teaching and services. I went from walking with a stick for support to being very active, completing a 10km run in London February 2024 despite many physical medical diagnoses which would otherwise limit my activity. My holistic work and services have assisted me in my spiritual journey and I am proud to be building a beautiful tribe of soul family every day.

If you’d like to learn more please feel free to connect by booking a session or clicking the contact option. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

In love and light…


…Amber xXx

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